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Steeped in Sephardic and Italian culture, Shadows on the Pathway is a family saga that spans seventy years. It tells the story of four immigrant families that come to America in the early 1900s and settle on Manhattan’s Lower East Side. Their lives become inextricably intertwined when American born super athlete Joey Collato meets outgoing, attractive Lena Levy at Recreation Rooms and Settlement in 1932. To her family’s consternation, she persists in the unsanctioned relationship with unexpected outcomes. The story contains much lost history, suspense, drama and reads like a novel while providing a window into what life was like for these immigrants and their American born children during the Roaring Twenties, an influenza pandemic, polio epidemics, two World Wars, the Great Depression, and the post War years.

Frances Collato

FRANCES COLLATO was born and raised in Brooklyn, New York. She holds a Bachelor of Arts degree in English from the City University of New York-Brooklyn College, a Master of Science degree in Counselor Education and a Doctorate in Education-Reading from Hofstra University on Long Island. She taught middle and high school English, served as a reading consultant/Iearning center coordinator and later as a district coordinator of reading and language arts for school districts in New York City and on Long Island. After relocating to Southern California in 1977, she held positions in a couple of districts as elementary and middle school principal, and at the community college level, dean of community education and then assistant to the president/director of the foundation. To give back to the YMCA that enriched her youth, she served six years on the board of managers of the Irvine Family YMCA and another six on the board of the California YMCA Youth in Government Program. Dr. Collato has a daughter and two grandchildren. When she is not writing, she paints, gardens, walks in nature, reads, and enjoys travel.

Link to podcast Planet Poet – Words in Space WIOX radio broadcast featuring author Dr. Frances Collato reading excerpts from and discussing Shadows on the Pathway with the program’s host Sharon Israel: CLICK HERE

A Few Reader Reactions to Shadows on the Pathway

“You did a brilliant job in describing everything in such detail. I can barely put the book down. “ Carolyn B.

“Your book is beautifully engineered to keep readers involved. Such tremendous detail!” Sharon C.

Shadows on the Pathway pulls the reader right in the way it’s written like a novel.” Bonnie T.

“I’m loving Shadows on the Pathway! My mother authored The Fortune Teller’s Kiss, and if she were still with us, she’d love it as much as I am.” Ross S.

Life & Work with Frances Collato of On-line – Amazon

Author is available in Southern California for book talks at public libraries, book clubs, writers' clubs, retirement homes, and other similar venues, live or Zoom. (Book talks in more distant locales if organization pays travel and lodging expenses.)

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